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Why Read to Babies?

Reading aloud to babies help them acquire language skills.  Reading aloud builds word-sound awareness.

It’s not enough to have babies in front of a television or a computer screen, its important for the parent to sit close to the baby and not only read, but point to things in the book, make noises, and engage with the child.



Reading aloud to babies helps build curiosity, memory, and language skills. Evidence suggests that children who hear more words in infancy have a greater vocabulary by age 3.



As well, those children who are not read to often remain poor readers during the first three years of elementary school.

"Talk to babies and let them babble back to bridge the word gap"

by Lauran Neergaard  (February 18, 2017)

Read the article recently published by the Associated Press about the importance of talking and reading to babies. 

© 2015-2024 Mother Goose: Read to Me Corporation

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